- Sectors
- Waste & Environment
Waste & Environment

Our experts possess broad experience and have a comprehensive understanding of the technical, managerial, legal, and societal aspects of waste management. From prevention to disposal, including composting, landfilling, and gas recovery, they prioritise sustainability. With global experience in waste management companies, municipalities, and consultancy firms, our experts offer tailored solutions to minimise waste, address environmental issues, and enhance workplace safety.
Dutch environmental knowledge of and expertise in waste management are well known all over the world. Less than five per cent of all Dutch waste ends up in landfills. The other 95 per cent is used for recycling and ends up as raw material or energy from waste. In this respect, the Netherlands has served for decades as an example for many developing countries emerging economies.
Our experts in this sector have experience with municipal waste, commercial waste, industrial waste, hospital waste, hazardous waste and organic waste. Besides technical issues, their expertise also covers the managerial, institutional, legal, financial and societal aspects of waste management and recycling: prevention, reduction, separate collection, transfer, recycling, re-use, processing and the final disposal of the residues.
Composting, site selection, landfilling and landfill gas recovery are often also crucial elements of environmentally acceptable and financially achievable waste management systems in developing countries and countries in transition. PUM experts have gained a wealth of experience, not only in the Netherlands, but also in many counties all over the world. They have or had a career in private or public waste management and recycling companies, municipalities, provinces, or with worldwide operating consultancy companies. Their experience varies from hands-on activities in the field, to design, operations, management and strategic advice on business development, market development, waste management planning, awareness raising, training, communication, site selection and environmental impact assessment.
Our experts are eager to work with you to make your business ‘greener’. For example by preventing and reducing waste and emission during the production process, including end of pipe solutions). Or, If you have a solid, liquid or gas waste stream, our experts can make recommendations on finding solutions for industrial, hazardous waste and sewage streams that have less impact on the environment and the community. Experts can assist in environmental studies, risk assessments and eco-tourism. Also creating awareness in the field of work place safety and safe behaviour are aspects of advising.
Areas of expertise
- Waste (municipal, commercial, industrial, hospital, harzardous, organic)
- Prevention and reduction
- (Separate) collection
- Recycling and re-use
- Processing/composting
- Disposal of final residue
- Site identification, design, construction of landfills
- Operation, maintenance of landfills, (gas recovery)
- Public relations, promotion
- Regulations, bye-laws
- The collection, transport, treatment and disposal of waste
- Control, monitoring and regulation of the production
- The prevention of waste production through in-process modification, re-use and recycling.
The term waste management usually relates to all kinds of waste, generated during:
- The extraction of raw materials
- The processing of raw materials into intermediate and final products
- The consumption of final products or other human activities (including municipal, residential, institutional, commercial, agricultural, and health care, household hazardous wastes, sewage sludge).
Waste management is intended to reduce the effect of waste on health, the environment or aesthetic issues. Issues relating to waste management include:
- The generation of waste and waste minimisation
- Removal and transportation
- Treatment, recycling and re-use
- Storage, collection
- Landfill disposal
- Environmental considerations
- Financial & marketing aspects
- Policy & regulation, education & training, planning and implementation.
Client examples
Waste management training
A research institute asked PUM to conduct a training course on waste management planning for its staff and for representatives from the local and central government. The goal was to improve the institute’s capacity in delivering consultations and to promote the adoption of sound and best environmental practices in waste management and recycling. During the mission, the PUM expert conducted training sessions in the morning, covering amongst others things: waste minimisation, source separation, collection and transportation, recycling, disposal, and the environmental and social impacts of landfills. In the afternoon, together with the trainees, the expert visited several stakeholders and facilities in this field in the country. With this group of trained professionals, the institute and the country of Jordan are better equipped with the correct expertise to cope with the burden of increasing waste quantities, pollution of the environment and the scarcity of valuable raw materials.
Recycling and landfilling
A small municipal waste company called in PUM for assistance in the development of plans for the future landfilling of waste, the siting of a new landfill area and the separate collection and recycling of valuable waste components. All this had the aim of reducing the quantity of waste to be landfilled in order to save future landfill space. The PUM expert studied the various options and concluded that, upgrading and extending the existing landfill needed no new landfill site far from the city centre. He found that this approach was more cost effective, in particular, if it could be combined with composting part of the waste. The PUM expert presented the proposals to the municipal council meeting where they were adopted and local funding was made available for executing the work.
Recycling of industrial waste
An advertising company asked for assistance on how to cope with increasing waste streams related to the production, maintenance and renewal of billboards. The aim was to make production more environmentally friendly by recycling as much as possible and by feasible and safe disposal of the remaining waste. Before he left for his mission, the PUM expert visited some comparable companies in the Netherlands. Upon arrival, he made an inventory of the waste components and investigated the possibilities for recycling by searching the Internet and through discussions with various stakeholders. The PUM expert wrote a business plan, which serves as starting point for the recycling of waste for various companies in the advertising sector in the country. A business link was also generated with a company in the Netherlands.
Business development
A medium-sized waste recycling company asked for assistance in developing business strategies for a materials recycling facility for recyclables, in particular plastics, from municipal and commercial waste. Advice was asked on best practices, an improvement of logistics, staff motivation and awareness raising. The expert thoroughly investigated the company and analysed alternative options regarding production planning and steering. A roadmap for further development was drawn up and thoroughly discussed with the client, together with a draft for a business plan. The company took the recommendations very seriously. Production increased, sales went up and financial results improved significantly.
Professional people for positive impact
Looking to grow your business or organisation sustainably and build a brighter future for your community? Contact one of our representatives in your country for criteria, more information and guidance on the application process.