Code of conduct
1. Together we grow
PUM is a Dutch NGO headquartered in The Hague and was founded in 1978 by the confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers (VNO-NCW) and the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Over the past 45 years, PUM has collaborated with more than 40,000 businesses worldwide. PUM currently maintains an expert pool of 1,200 professionals who provide voluntary advice across more than 30 sectors of the economy. With a presence in over 30 countries, PUM undertakes about 1,500 projects annually, supported by a vast global network comprising 130 representatives.
PUM drives local positive impact on a global scale. PUM works with small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), as well as entities that support them. Over 1,200 PUM experts share their experience to optimise entire business ecosystems. Our clients are true changemakers, who have the ambition to grow, operate sustainably and inclusively, and create a lasting positive impact on their communities. PUM services include projects on location, remote advice, seminars and webinars.
PUM believes in the power of collaboration, and in the magic that happens when diverse perspectives meet. When bringing together unique expertise, all pursuing the same goal, solutions that no one had thought of before are generated. Creating value that cuts through borders and benefits everybody involved.
PUM empowers ambitious entrepreneurs outside of the EU/NL in building a structurally better future for their community: socially, ecologically and economically.
PUM is committed to making a meaningful impact on communities, focusing on social, ecological and economic dimensions. Operating on principles of equality and respect, PUM emphasises responsibility and accountability in creating lasting and positive results.
PUM’s impact areas encompass strengthening entrepreneurship and business ecosystems, intensifying social dialogue, promoting (gender) equality and women’s empowerment, fostering youth entrepreneurship and employment, supporting climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts, contributing to food security, and driving digitalisation and innovation.
In performing its tasks, it is vital to PUM that the organisation, employees and volunteers, and everyone that works for or on behalf of the organisation, adheres to the principles that constitute PUM’s foundation. These principles are described below.
PUM furthermore wishes to provide a positive, inclusive, learning and stimulating environment for employees, volunteers and partners, where equality and mutual respect are a matter of course and where everyone has a participative say in and is responsible for her or his own work and function.
It is therefore important to create maximum clarity within the organisation, with respect to the basic principles that everyone should observe, and in so doing to embed these in the organisation.
To achieve continuous attention, application and internalisation of these principals, PUM will regularly communicate, discuss and, if needed, review these principles.
2. Core values
PUM holds that its activities must be governed by several guiding principles, referred to as core values. We create meaningful impact by being…
- Committed
- Equal
- Connected
- Skilled
We are COMMITTED and motivated to make a real difference in the lives of entrepreneurs and communities. We take ownership of our roles and responsibilities, showing resilience as we overcome barriers.
We are EQUAL, as reflected in our respectful approach towards others. We are self-reflective and aware of the diversity in ideas, cultures, and identities. We strive to ensure that every voice is heard. This way, we contribute to a more inclusive and equitable world.
We are CONNECTED, eager to collaborate with all relevant stakeholders in our daily activities. Guided by integrity and in an open-minded working environment, we are curious about what drives others. We recognise that only by working together we can make a real difference.
We are SKILLED, driven by an entrepreneurial spirit that embraces opportunity. Expertise lies at the heart of our organisation. Our combined knowledge and the desire to learn and share enable us to achieve meaningful impact.
3. Implications for conduct
The core values listed above govern what persons associated with PUM will do and will not do. In practice, these values concretely impact PUM’s relations with the clients, with partner organisations and donors, and PUM’s interaction with and among employees and volunteers, and PUM’s cooperation with SMEs, other organisations and the communities in which PUM operates.
PUM has translated the core values into concrete behaviours (see appendix 1). This is the guideline that helps us in adhering to the code of conduct and in discussing incidents when in doubt. When you are confronted with behaviour that is not in line with these guidelines, make sure you discuss it with your manager. Please be aware of our Complaint policy for further information and ways to go.
Adhering to the Code of Conduct means that all persons involved can be confident that they will be treated with respect and will equally be expected to treat others with respect. That they will not be subjected to undesirable conduct and will equally be expected to refrain from undesirable conduct, being:
- Sexual harassment/intimidation: unwelcome and/or unsolicited attention in the form of requests for sexual favours or other verbal, non-verbal or physical behaviour (including the unsolicited sending or overt viewing of pornographic images or texts, e.g. via Internet); sexual violence; all other non-consensual sexual or intimate behaviour. See also:
- Intimidation, aggression and violence: subjecting others to harassment, psychological or physical bullying, intimidation, humiliation or assault.
- Discrimination: subjecting persons to statements, actions or decisions, in any shape or form, that are offensive to those persons on account of their race, religion, gender, personal persuasion and/or sexual orientation, or applying any distinctions on the grounds of these factors (race, religion, and so on).
- Bribery and corruption: offering of or soliciting for unpermitted favours in exchange for money, return favours or for (personal) gains.
- Fraud and theft: reimbursement fraud, abuse of any kind of information, means, funds or services, to which a person has access.
- Abuse of power and/or knowledge: conflicting interests, all forms of nepotism, favouritism, inappropriate use or leakage of confidential information, unfair competition, neglect.
The clients, SMEs and other organisations can be confident that:
- individual persons and the local culture and society are treated with respect;
- all activities and advice towards realising the objective are performed with the aim of achieving maximum quality, sustainability and impact; free from any biases, favouritism and/or self-interests, including conflicting interests and unfair competition;
- no discrimination regarding race, religion, nationality, gender or sexual orientation in the selection of clients and other organisations;
- the activities and advice rendered do not seek to promote any party-political or religious aims, but solely to achieve the above-mentioned objective of PUM;
- activities and advice rendered are solely based on the real needs and rights of the clients and their society, and that they are actively participating herein;
- the safeguarding of children and care for the environment is given priority in all activities.
Every community where PUM operates can be confident that:
- generally accepted norms and values are observed, both in terms of social behaviour and of the principles of the democratic constitutional state;
- at all times, the willingness exists and is expressed to confer and converse with relevant community and political groups about PUM’s functioning.
- next to the economic aspects, PUM will ensure that social and ecological aspects are always in scope.
Employees and volunteers can be confident that and need to adhere to:
- generally accepted rules and standards of good employment are observed with understanding for local and cultural habits, insofar as these apply to their activities;
- proper conditions are created for their efforts;
- they are suitably appreciated for their efforts.
The partners can be confident that:
- mutual respect is shown;
- the cooperation is fair, trust based, transparent, reliable and predictable;
- there is a willingness to confer with regard to common mutually beneficial interests;
- efforts are made to coordinate and to collaborate effectively;
- no negative comments are made about each other in public or the PUM organisation/network on social media.
The funders and donors can be confident that:
- information provided regarding the activities executed is complete, accurate and comprehensible;
- the cooperation is fair, trust based, transparent, reliable and predictable;
- all activities are performed with integrity with the aim of achieving maximum quality within the limits of the law;
- of the resources received, as much as possible is allocated to the intended purpose and will be measured against a generally accepted standard;
- complete, honest and comprehensible accountability is provided concerning the allocation of resources using general accounting reporting standards and the activities performed towards achieving the objective and impact to be realised.
In addition, information collected, stored or processed by the PUM main office in the Netherlands is based on the consent of the participant and properly archived or deleted according to the GDPR.
Information collected, stored or processed in PUM’s side offices outside of Europe is collected, stored or processed according to the relevant laws of that jurisdiction.
4. Concluding provisions
- PUM endorses the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and will act accordingly.
- PUM pursues integrity and shares the responsibility for the social and political acceptance and perception of the development sector as a whole.
- PUM is committed to collaboration, both within the sector and with other parties involved.
- PUM endorses the Partos Code of Conduct and is loyally devoted to implementing the self-regulatory activities defined and supported by Partos.
- PUM has a complaints procedure, which is published on its website.
- PUM is committed to proportionally act in case any of these principles is (threatened to be) violated, to protect the victims, to restore justice and to prevent repetition of such violation.
Therefore, PUM strongly encourages the filing of complaints and reporting of (suspected) undesirable conduct or other practices that violate this Code of Conduct, please report this using the procedure of the PUM Complaint policy or the PUM Misconduct Reporting Rules.
Relating policies are available in the Organisational Manual:
- PUM Integrity framework
- PUM Complaint policy
- PUM Misconduct reporting rules
- PUM Anti-Fraud & Anti-Corruption policy
Appendix 1 – Values & behaviours
At PUM, our values are the foundation for everything we do. They guide our actions, shape our culture, and empower us to create meaningful impact for entrepreneurs and communities. Each of these values (Committed, Equal, Connected, and Skilled) is reflected in specific behaviours that we practice every day. These behaviours are the driving force behind our success and the positive change we strive to achieve together.
We are COMMITTED and motivated to make a real difference in the lives of entrepreneurs and communities. We take ownership of our roles and responsibilities, showing resilience as we overcome barriers.
By being COMMITED, we demonstrate the following behaviours:
- We stay positive
- We deliver on our promises to achieve the goals we agreed upon
- We tackle challenging issues
- We give timely feedback
- We adhere to the policies and ways of working at PUM
We are EQUAL, as reflected in our respectful approach towards others. We are self-reflective and aware of the diversity in ideas, cultures, and identities. We strive to ensure that every voice is heard. This way, we contribute to a more inclusive and equitable world.
By being EQUAL, we demonstrate the following behaviours:
- We ask questions to understand what drives people
- We empathise with other perspectives
- We are mindful of our surroundings and adapt our communication accordingly
- We actively engage everyone in conversations
- We ensure all voices are heard
We are CONNECTED, eager to collaborate with all relevant stakeholders in our daily activities. Guided by integrity and in an open-minded working environment, we are curious about what drives others. We recognise that only by working together we can make a real difference.
By being CONNECTED, we demonstrate the following behaviours:
- We actively involve the right people to reach our goals
- We feel comfortable reaching out for support
- We support each other across teams
- We trust others to do their part, and we know when to step back
- We identify and openly discuss potential conflicts of interest and find solutions
We are SKILLED, driven by an entrepreneurial spirit that embraces opportunity. Expertise lies at the heart of our organisation. Our combined knowledge and the desire to learn and share enable us to achieve meaningful impact.
By being SKILLED, we demonstrate the following behaviours:
- We use our talents to achieve our goals
- We motivate others to grow
- We keep learning and stay up to date
- We co-create by sharing our knowledge
- We seize opportunities even in challenging situations